Beyond Money Concerns to Lasting Peace

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

Dylan: Whenever you seem to perceive an object of fear, you have to start to pull the projection of fear back to its false cause—false thoughts of fear and the false ego-belief in mind, along with one’s desire to misidentify with them.

The fear you seem to have with money is a wonderful opportunity for Peace right now, if seen correctly. Emotions are inroads into what is happening on the mental level—thoughts and beliefs—which lead to the core desire in mind of what you are desiring to experience in any moment of seeming upset.

Friend: So, emotions act as an indicator of what thoughts are happening?

Dylan: Yes, emotion is always an effect or result of what thoughts and beliefs are being misidentified with on a mental level. These thoughts and beliefs can then be worked back to, “What am I desiring to experience in this moment?” I will come back to this.

Friend: You said to start with perception and then trace the lack of peace inwards, since perception—the object of fear—is an inroad into emotion, which is an inroad into thought, then belief, and then the core desire on a mental level.

Dylan: Yes, so let us start with the perception. Walk me through it.

Friend: So the perception of my upset or lack of peace right now is money.

Dylan: Wonderful, this is great to observe this.

Friend: The emotions that are coming up are fear, anxiety, intensity, and I feel some kind of stuckness around what is happening. Yes, that is what is there.

Dylan: Wonderful, thank you. Since emotion is an inroad to thought and underlying beliefs, walk me through what is arising.

Friend: Okay. Some of the thoughts are, “You don’t have enough. You are worthless because you don’t have enough. Everyone else is successful and doing great, but I’m over here and am a pile of garbage because I don’t measure up.” Another thought is, “You need to hurry up and get more to be worthy of peace and love, to be worthy of approval.” Yeah.

Dylan: Great, thank you for sharing these thoughts! Seen correctly, being able to see them is a big step for you to return to peace.

Friend: Yeah, thank you. It feels like a total retreat or set back, but I do remember you saying that whenever anything comes up it is always a step forward. I find this helpful, as when I share the thoughts I know I am not being run by them anymore and can share them for a shift in perception.

Dylan: Yes, when you seem to go through this seeming shift, there comes a realisation that, “Ah, I have only been seemingly attached to and have been reacting to false ego thoughts all along.” As you begin to see that the seeming cause of lack of peace has always been on the level of mind, rather than the level of perception, you realise you are not an innocent victim and always have cause for peace and happiness right now.

When you are ready, take me through some of the underlying beliefs that you notice.

Friend: Well yeah, you just said one of them: that I believe I am an innocent victim. I believe my state of mind can be affected by something in the world. I believe I am lacking. I never really saw these during the upset, but now that we are here going through it I can see them.

Dylan: Yes, that is the sweetness of inquiry. We can put all of these onto paper or work it in mentally, and start to see how the mind is desiring to act out a belief of being a victim more than a single desire for present peace of mind.

Friend: Yes, desiring to attach onto, or misidentify with, as you say, these false beliefs and thoughts arising in the mind.

Dylan: Yes. There is a phrase in ACIM which says that the Holy Instant or present moment does not require that you have no thoughts, yet, what it does require is that you hold onto none of them. Just as if you were standing next to a highway and you are just letting the cars come and go, watching them all without clinging to any of them.

You also may use the analogy of being the sky, letting the temporal clouds arise and disappear. You just let them float on by, without a need to try and attach your vast identity of being the sky to a temporal cloud.

Friend: I suppose to add to the list, under beliefs, is that I believe something needs to be different for me to be happy.

Dylan: Yes, that is it, indeed. This is the trick of the false sense of self or ego. It seems to provide thoughts that suggest that if only something was different with that person, situation, place, climate, or even different with myself I would then be happy, peaceful, content, and joyful. “If only I had more money I would be happy and peaceful.”

It projects the Happiness and Peace of Being that You Already Are into a future goal, where it is never found. When money comes the mindset is still, “I want more to be happy and peaceful.” How much more is more enough? And then when there is money it shifts to, “How do I keep it, how do I invest it, and how do I protect it?”

Friend: If I am off chasing future happiness and peace I am distracted away from where the happiness and peace are, here in the present.

Dylan: Yes, the whole scheme is undone here. All it took was a little investigation or inquiry. And this is where desire comes in. It comes back to, “What is it that I am desiring to experience in this moment?” Am I desiring to misidentify with a false sense of self—the ego—and its unachievable goals of having a perfect situation or outcome to experience the Happiness and Peace You Already Are now, or am I desiring Peace singularly right now regardless of how the form looks?

If I desire Peace right now, that means that there is a desirelessness for a particular outcome, a particular situation to go a certain way, or for more of anything in this world.

As you see the falsity of the misidentification to ego and its unloving thoughts, a recognition happens that the Peace of Being—of Who You already Are now—is not circumstance dependent. If it is not circumstance dependent, then I’m not a victim of the world or a circumstance. Believing you need more money to be happy and peaceful is to claim that you are a victim of the world. Through inquiry, you can see that it is only you who is experiencing the effects of your desire to misidentify with a false sense of self or not.

Friend: I didn’t see it at first, but when you said, “For more of anything in the world,” this is what an idol is.

Dylan: Yes, certainly. In the Bible it states, “Hold no graven images before the Lord thy God.” These graven images are the split desires for more of anything in the world. Why is this? Because if you value the desire for more of something of the world, you will be left feeling a false sense of deprivation because you will experience the false effects of that desire: that you seem to not have what you do already have. That the Peace and Happiness You already Are will be experienced when a specific form outcome or situation happens in the future. From this misperception the way you go about trying to fill the deprivation will be through external means.

Yet, the sweetness behind, “Hold no graven images,” is because this is where the fulfilment of Being lies. Through the single desire of Self, or Peace, that is always available right now, you overlook the false ego-belief that you are lacking in some way. Here, the fruitless search of looking for peace, happiness and fulfilment in the intellect, emotion, or the world where it cannot be found, ends.

When Jesus said, “Let thine eye be single,” he meant it. Let your inner desire be solely for Present Peace, for Present unconditioned Love, for the Self, and you will experience only that.

Friend: This is very helpful, as the upset was not what I thought it was in the moment it arose.

Dylan: Yes. At first, the upset seemed to be because of the money in perception, but as we work the upset or lack of peace back to the level of mind it now becomes: “I seem to be experiencing upsetting emotions of fear and anxiety because I am misidentifying with fearful thoughts. These thoughts are suggesting that: something terrible is going to happen, and I am not worthy of peace because I don’t have a lot of money, so I’m a pile of garbage.

This is stemming from the misidentification with the false, fearful ego-belief that suggest, “I am an innocent victim that is lacking, and that something in perception has to be different to be happy and peaceful.”

This is stemming from the desire to misidentify with a false sense of self—that I have separated from God. The desire to misidentify with the false ego-belief and its unloving thoughts, emotions, and perceptions are the graven images that are valued more than remaining as the true Self or Present Peace.

Friend: Wow, this is so clear now. I have to see the unreality or falsity of this misidentification to experience a shift. I have to see the falsity of these limiting thoughts that arise and dictate things to me. When I don’t see the falsity, I believe them and act them out as if they are true.

Dylan: Yes, when the mind forgot to laugh at these arising thoughts one then seems to take them seriously, taking on false responsibility for them. I now become the judgemental one, and I now seem to become the fearful one. This is just a misperception of Who I Am.

Jesus’ statement that, “You but see through a glass, darkly” comes into play here. “Seeing through a glass, darkly,” refers to a misperception or an error in perceiving. I seem to forget about the true Self that I Am as the ever-present, unchanging sky, and now attach the vast identity I Am to temporal passing clouds that are floating through the sky.

Friend: All problems are then a perceptual problem.

Dylan: Indeed, every seeming experience of lack of peace or upset is just a misperception, a misidentification on the mental level extending out to emotion and then perception.

You can see that it is not really money that is the cause of upset, but what is being desired and then believed about the money. All of the made-up mental stories, conclusions and meanings that are being added on top of whatever seems to be presenting itself in the moment. Thoughts seem to arise and conclude, “Because of this, this must mean [fill in the blank].” For example, “Because of the amount of money, this means you are worthless, a piece of shit, less than others, and you will end up being a bum on the streets.”

Because these thoughts arise in mind, you assume they must be yours and the mind misidentifies with them. In doing so, you seem to experience the effects which seem to appear as fearful emotions and a fearful world. You then tend to have to find some external solution to a seeming problem that is really on the mental level.

Friend: We get jobs to fill the belief in lack.

Dylan: Exactly. Yet, as we all know by now, it doesn’t bring lasting happiness and peace because the false belief of lack on the mental level is still misidentified with.

As an analogy, let’s say we went to a movie theatre to watch a movie. The reason we go to a movie theatre is to forget we are watching a movie, to get lost in the roller coaster ride of emotions, otherwise, it would be no fun to pay to watch the movie.

Now, when we are watching a movie we tend to forget that the movie has already been acted out by actors in a controlled environment, it has already been shot, it has already been put onto film, and now it is just being projected out onto the white movie theatre screen.

Even though it has already been shot, you may still find yourself yelling at the actors, “Don’t go in that room! He’s right there! What are you doing, you fools?!” What would make you react that way unless you believed that what was already past, what was already shot, is still present and happening right now.

What would make you react in such a way unless you forgot it was just a movie. Remembering that it is just a movie allows you to remember that I’m not a character in that movie, and I don’t have to yell at the other characters to not go in the room, because I can’t change what is happening as the movie is over.

Using this analogy of watching a movie in a movie theatre, I can recognise I have no choice in what is playing out on the screen, but I can always choose how I am going to perceive the movie. Am I going to watch it unfold in peace, or am I going to get lost in the movie and experience the roller coaster of emotion that comes along with it?

This is a metaphor pointing to, “Are you going to seem to watch what unfolds with Spirit, as the true Self You Are, or are you going to watch what seems to unfold with the seeming ego, misidentifying with these false beliefs and thoughts and upsetting emotions?”

Friend: Yes, trying to fill or relieve the idea of lack by external means is like trying to change the movie. It is impossible and brings no real peace or lasting experience because how you are seeing the movie, through the filter of lack or a false sense of self, is still there on the mental level.

Dylan: Precisely, which is why there is no point of trying to change what is an effect of the mind. When I was working through the same experience as I began to question and inquire, I would open up to intuitive guidance. As I shifted from perceiving problems being solely perception-based to seeming problems being a misidentification on the level of mind.

This intuitive guidance initially looked like me asking, “How do I solve this in form, where am I to go, whom am I to meet, and what am I to say?” Then inspired ideas, inner nudges or feelings, inner images or thoughts were given, or at times even nothing was given as an answer.

Following these intuitive prompts and guidance were used to practically unwind from the misperception of being solely focused on perception to opening to the recognition of the level of mind, the level of misidentification with false beliefs and thoughts, and effectual emotions and perceptions.

As I began to follow intuitive guidance, my attention would be taken off of perception to watch or observe what was happening mentally. We can call this mind-watching. I would just observe the thoughts and beliefs that would arise during the day and see what was being misidentified with.

I realised the only purpose of perception was to use it to mind-watch and question all of the limiting beliefs and thoughts that were being misidentified with. As I focused on this, things in perception seemed to work out synchronistically by themselves.

Jesus says, “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added onto you.” If you are willing to question and inquire into the root of what is being experienced, for the experience of recognising the true Self or Peace, everything else will be added onto you to fulfill this, without exception.

What I did not realise at that moment was that this is the only thing that works, without fail. Everything in the world is iffy, may or may not work, but this works 100% without fail. Why? Because you ultimately already Are what You Are seeking for, therefore, it cannot fail and must work; not only work but is inevitable.

Friend: Yes, I feel what you are saying, as it was just recently that I felt to call someone and as soon as I picked up the mobile they called. It all becomes a synchronistic dance. I was actually clueless and just followed through on an inspired thought.

Ah yes! The daily ideas, “Let me recognise my problems so they can be solved,” and then, “Let me recognise the problem has been solved.” The seeming problem was a perceptual problem, a misidentification, and I can see the misidentification as false.

Dylan: Every moment is filled with glee, as you start to come to that central desire of what is it that I truly desire. It was only the misidentification with false, limiting beliefs and thoughts that spoke against the one, true, loving nature of Self that seemed to make everything dark, make it seem you were seeing through the glass, darkly.

Whenever you get caught up into perception, you have to come back to recognise that it is how you are seeing what seems to be playing out, is where the true level of choice lies. Am I going to perceive what seems to be playing out in Peace, knowing I am not a victim, and that the Peace of Being is available right now if desired solely? Or am I going to misperceive what seems to be playing out through a darkened glass, misidentified with false, limiting beliefs and thoughts of a false sense of self, and its seeming goals of future happiness and peace?

The only purpose of perception is to raise these false, limiting beliefs and thoughts, and the misidentification with them into conscious awareness. Here, the misidentification with them can be seen as false. The idea of an other, or a choice between peace and something else, falls away. There is no need to try and get rid of any thought, emotion or perception, no need to try and fix anything, stop them or control them. Just a gentle observation of everything with non-judgement, in which the ego is seen as false.

Friend: “Forgiveness merely waits, watches, and judges not.”

Dylan: Yes, this is the true meaning of forgiveness! Seeing the falsity of the misidentification with ego thoughts, emotions, and perceptions and overlooking them to extend the true qualities of Being. Non-judgement, unconditional Love, and lasting Peace and Joy are left shining As It Is. “The Peace that surpasseth human understanding,” as stated by Jesus.

When what is false is seen as false, what is true is left shining As It Is available this very moment. Enlightenment is but a recognition and not a change at all. Enlightenment is not a becoming, and it’s not circumstance dependent to be What You Already Are. “Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God.”

You are safe in this moment, as you always have what you need now, and all that you need You Already Are. Perfection comes with non-judgement. Love comes with non-judgement. With non-judgement you are always where you need to be, without exception!

Bask in the glee of non-judgement, knowing all things work together for good in the cluelessness of Being. You truly can’t mess anything up, as all lack of joy rested on the false idea that you could. When the mind stops misdefining the problem, space can open up for the miracle to drop in. Spirit takes care of all perceived needs as long as they are needed.

Rest in this moment, relax as Presence, for this moment is all there is. You are the Safety that was sought for in the world. You Are the Divine Providence.

Recognising Your Invulnerability

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Selfthe experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

Sweet Beloved,

Would you be willing to drop all psychological defenses if they were reinterpreted to be a defense against consistent Peace and the true Self; that all fear is really the fear of knowing you are loved and loving now as the true Self.

Would you gladly see that the fear of the future is really the fear of recognising that you are so unconditionally loved, 100% safe and supported right now and in every moment? Would you gladly see that all guilt is really the fear of recognising and extending your inherent Innocence, and how you are loved now? Would you gladly see that the fear of joining with others is really the fear of being vulnerable and recognising the unconditional Love that is there for all, towards all, right now?

Would these psychological defenses still hold value if you recognised they were defending what you really wanted now: the Joy, Happiness, Peace, and unconditional Love that is available right now as your true Self as Presence?

Who You Are, as the true Self, cannot be touched or harmed by any false ego thought, emotion, or perception that seems to arise within awareness. Just like the empty space in a room, as a symbolic metaphor, it cannot be touched or harmed by any of the contents of activity that seem to arise within it. What need does this space have to protect any area of itself in this recognition?

Take my hand and let the mind gently lower these unneeded defenses so that you may recognise your perfect safety. It is okay to laugh at every ounce of seriousness of the world. Remember to laugh, recognising that these false ideas of the false sense of self were all unreal appearances that needed one to remember not to laugh to have any sense of an effect.

One is forever safe. Nothing can touch one here, for what remnant of fear can enter into the unconditional Love? What a joy it is recognising that invulnerability is inherent in recognising the true Being underneath the false ego-self. Through your decision for Love, the mind’s singular desire for Self, you recognise the true Self, out of which your invulnerability is sourced.

In the gentle seeing that mind is the only causative level, you recognise that there are no causes in the world or perception that have the power to disturb your consistent peace of mind. Perception was only an effect, only a mirror of what is looked upon within, and the ego was the false cause of suffering. If a premise is false, everything that results from that premise must also be false.

In overlooking the ego on the level of mind you gracefully overlook all of its false effects. In this instant, you experience that nothing can affect your peace of mind, that nothing can touch the Self. You were only ever reacting to the false ego thoughts that crossed the mind. Perception was only the canvas in which the mind painted using these thoughts.

This is a cause for joy! If one is only ever reacting and responding to one’s state of mind, which is always under one’s direction, then the target of the ego’s projection is always wholly innocent and worthy of love. No one never did anything wrong, or right, for that matter!

Who would react at all to the images on the movie theatre screen when it’s recognised that you, who is like the screen in which the images appear on, are never touched by any of the projected images or events on the screen. Let the images on the cinema screen be as loving or as hateful as they may, in your power of decision, as a stepping-stone, you can accept the Love and Innocence of the true Self beyond the images.

The Peace that You Are is never disturbed.

Such is the joy of recognising no-one never did anything to anything. Everyone really loves each other very much, even if it is not entirely seen in awareness. The true Self is One, and Oneness is Love. All sense of an other, and of another choice to choose between, was but a dream to be awoken from.

The seeming problem and seeming solution to one’s experience has always resided with one’s Self.

Remember to laugh, Beloved. I love you!

❤ ❤ ❤

Staying With What’s True: True Empathy

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

This heart is really just a symbol of what you are, and what you will eventually teach without exception! ~ Dylan Love

The world is a cover and distraction over the awareness of one’s true Self of pure Love. Everything about this world is designed so that you seek your fulfillment, happiness, peace, and love where you will never find it. Thus, you now feel out of accord with yourself because everything is designed so that intuition and the authenticity of one’s Being takes the back seat.

As one starts to awaken, many disillusionments seem to be experienced. What you once thought to be true is seen as not so, as the floor seems to be pulled out in shifting your attention from the level of perception, the world, to the level of mind, the thoughts and beliefs in mind, where Sight is experienced.

As one’s attention is brought inwards to mind-watching, observing all of the thoughts and beliefs that arise in mind, one goes through a period of sorting out the mental garbage. This is a discernment between what is ego, the false sense of self, and what is the true Self. You can often tell the difference very easily through the way you feel.

This is a leading into, after sorting the false from the true, disregarding the false altogether. Through the recognition of the unreality or illusory nature of the false sense of self that one seems to be misidentified with, in mind, what is true is left shining As It Is as Light.

Initially, this can take vigilance as you are shown what is false and what is true, in awareness, where the false can be recognised as false and only the true as true. Sight, or seeing the true as true and only the true as true, requires the recognition of the true Self. The Self sees truly because It is an Extension of Perfect Sight, and, therefore, is Perfect Sight. By definition, there are no areas of unreality or illusion part of it.

The true Self does not mistake anything that is of the false sense of self as one’s Reality, as all aspects of the false sense of self is illusion! Having no cause it is correctly perceived as unreal.

The unloving thoughts of the separated self have no cause and nothing of real value. Using the analogy of a nighttime dream, the dream figures that were once seen as real are now seen as part of the dream. The dreamer now experiences itself as being the dreamer of the dream, the mind in which the apparent dream is being projected. Correctly seen, the dream is a temporary place of exile while the mind that dreams it is perfectly safe at home.

There is no cause for guilt, fear, revenge, anger, sadness, sickness and death now because nothing that happens in the dream has happened in reality, and once woken from is experienced as never really haven taken place.

True Empathy requires going through the seeming darkness, the seeming unhealed parts of mind, to the Light of the true Self that is always ever-present. As you realise and experience the Self You already Are, you go from sorting the false from the true to entirely overlooking what is not real. You see only what is real. Love is forever real and Love simply extends and looks upon Love, seeing nothing else. This makes Love unconditional.

Any time fear is experienced it is certain that the dreamer is out of accord with itself because it is seeing what is not real as real. The dreamer must be forgetting that it is dreaming, and, now, misperceiving the dream as real and having real consequences and reacting to it.

While the dreamer forgets it is dreaming the mind requires the questioning of all concepts and unquestioned thoughts in the mind, that onset this seeming amnesia, so that the false ego-belief and its false thoughts can be seen as false. When the false is seen as false, what is real must prevail. The dreamer must be the dreamer of the dream, the mind in which it is taking place, where the dreamer is unaffected by any part of the dream.

In Mind Awake, there is no reaction to something that never happened. One must awaken to sinlessness before awakening to the pure Love of Oneness behind the dream entirely. Nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, herein lies the Peace of God.

❤ ❤ ❤

Trusting What Is: Divine Providence

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

In the world it can be quite common to go with the motions without really stopping to ask, “What is it for? What is the purpose of what is being done?” It can initially be helpful to pause and ask, is this being done out of the inspiration, joy and love that is of the true Self, or is this being done out of the fear and control that arises from a misidentification with a false sense of self?

As an example, you can inquire into this by asking what is the purpose of education? To gain credentials for a career. What is the purpose of a career? To make money and attain long-lasting employment. What is the purpose of money and long-lasting employment? To pay the bills and provide more opportunities to do more things. What is the purpose of these? To have a home and money to do things. What is the purpose of having a home and money? So you can have security and freedom.

When inquired into you can see that it is the belief that your security and freedom comes from the world and of the body that is driving these actions. You can also see the underlying fear of a future consequence of ending out on the street, or that you are not provided for by Life if you stopped, which is running as an underlying filter of fear, control and concern in all actions.

As you begin to inquire into the purpose of everything you seem to do, you can get to the core of why you are doing things. It can be easily seen if you are following the ego’s purpose of fear, lack, or control or the true Self‘s purpose of intuitive inspiration, complete joy and peace by the way we feel. 

While one seems to overlook the true Self to misidentify with a false sense of self, one perceives oneself as a separate self that is fearful and lacking. One perceives all of its perceived needs or solutions as being outside in the world of perception. In this misidentification with the ego, one appears to side with the ego’s purpose of security and freedom, which is to meet the need externally through jobs out of the fear of survival and future consequences of ending on the street.

Just like fingers on a hand, unquestioned beliefs act as a seeming cover over the palm where one believes it is a finger, separated from the entirety of the hand and all of the other fingers. It forgets that it is connected to the entirety of the hand itself, and thinks it now has to provide for itself. Using this analogy, it is clearly seen as a misperception.

Through inquiry—raising these beliefs and thoughts and the misidentification with them to doubt—along with following intuition, this is all designed to bring one back to where the real choice is: the stepping-stone decision between the true Self or the misidentification with the ego.

Just like when you’re watching a movie the problem is never on the screen, it is what is being believed and interpreted about the screen that is the problem. You can say, “Don’t turn left!” to the movie actor but it won’t do anything, as you have no control over the movie that has already been shot, edited, and put on film.

While one believes one is an ego, the quiet inner Voice of intuition—the essence of Being—will always practically work with the mind to unwind it from the misidentification with unquestioned thoughts and concepts. This is an unwinding from banging on the movie screen to get it to change, to seeing it is the interpretations and judgements about the movie that is the problem.

By seeing that it is how you are watching the movie that is the problem, this provides a seeming effective solution to a seeming problem. You now have a choice of how you want to watch the movie. This occurs by a change of purpose in mind, by questioning the validity of the seeming ego and the seeming misidentification with it, which seems to cover over the awareness of Divine Providence or True Abundance. Yet, it is all just a seeming or metaphor, as the Self never had to awaken from a false sense of self.

It is an opening to see that it is not money that is the problem, but the false thoughts and beliefs that are held about money that is where the fearful emotions and perceptions are coming into play. Only by returning to where the cause of the problem is can you bring about a true perceptual change. By placing the solution outside you believe yourself to be a helpless victim with no real solution.

The consistent Peace, Happiness, and Love that You already Are is always available now. It is not dependent on circumstances or gaining more of anything in the world, which places What You already Are into a future goal. Why would you strive for what you already have and are?

All fear is falsely experienced by overlooking the true Self and misidentifying with a false sense of self, along with its unloving thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. By raising to doubt the validity of this seeming misidentification, which often appears as, “I won’t be provided for. I will lose my house. I won’t have money to eat or pay rent,” you recognise that these thoughts are only an effect of the misidentification with a false sense of self. That is the only problem.

The ego reasons, “You weren’t provided for in the past and will end up on the street in the future.” Using an imagined past and future to skip over the Present Peace of the Present Moment, the ego falsely counsels the mind that the future will be unlike the present.

In observing these thoughts in non-judgement they are seen as false. It is recognised that these thoughts were never ours, and you did not have to misidentify with them as if they were. The seeming problem is seen as already solved as these thoughts are illusory in nature, as they arise and disappear having no cause, and, therefore, never existed.

The false ego-belief in mind can be re-seen as just a distraction away from Present Peace and Happiness. These unreal thoughts, always based on a hypothetical past and future, was the seeming trick of the ego to keep one in fear so that one didn’t realise the falsity of it all, and then relax into the consistent peace that is sourced in the recognition of one’s true Self here right now.

The personal responsibility of being ‘the provider, the doer,’ is also included in the identity of the false self. Life is Provider. Life is Supply. You, being Life Itself, will always be provided for and supported and this will be shown in perception as symbols showing up in synchronistic ways that could not have been planned for.

In this shift of purpose, being the striving for security in the world to questioning the misidentification with a false sense of self, every need that one perceives to have will be met to support one in this purpose. In the light of inquiry, fear is replaced with Love and the mind relaxes into the perfection of the moment because everything is perfect now!

It is here that it is recognised and experienced that there are actually no needs. For the desire to add more, get more of something, manifest more, or change something in the world was all part of the false scheme of the false sense of self for future Peace or future Enlightenment; a denial of What You Already Are Now.

Divine Providence or one’s Natural Abundance is a current state of Being. A total Knowing that everything is perfect as it is right now and that nothing could be any different than how it is right now, in which all fear and grievances were but the belief that something could be different than how it is now.

One is free to extend the childlike gleefulness that comes from the recognition that everything is provided when it is needed, from moment-to-moment. A spontaneous and intuitive life like the birds, animals, trees, and flowers which do not work but are perfectly provided for. This is what it is all about!

Everyone is here to recognise the one, true, loving Self as Life, as Divine Providence, which is now! Rejoice that the past and future never played a part, and it was only unquestioned thoughts and beliefs which blocked the awareness of this.

The unquestioned sense of ‘a doer,’ the false sense of separation from Self, from Life, from the Hand which thought it needed to personally do something to provide was nothing but a dream to be woken from. Let yourself be happily carried down the stream. 

Remember to laugh, Loved One. You are Divine Providence Itself!


The Abolishment of Fear

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

It takes a great deal of maturity, in awareness, to see that no one can ever do anything wrong. This is because what one does comes from what is thought and believed. All action is involuntary, as all behaviour is only an effect of thought and belief on the level of mind. 

The recognition of Perfect Peace is and can be defined as seeing that the stepping-stone decision to remain as the true Self or misidentify with a false sense of self on the mind level is the only level of cause. This is where all errors, being the misidentification with a false sense of self, must be corrected.

Behaviour and perception do not have any cause because it is only ever an effect of the mind level. It is a by-product, as what one does and perceives comes from what is thought and believed. This is why no one can do anything wrong, as all behaviour is involuntarily coming from what is thought and believed, and it is only at the level of thought that correction lies.

Opening to the realization that one’s core desire to believe the false ego thoughts is cause and that emotions and perceptions are an effect, abolishes the belief that you are at the mercy of the world. When upsets are experienced everything can be traced back to what thoughts and beliefs are being misidentified with that are the cause of the upset.

All forms of sickness stem from level confusion, which is the misperception that the cause is the effect and the effect is the cause. What I mean by this is the notion—that stems from a false sense of selfthat the cause of all my upsets is in the world and not in what thoughts are being misidentified with. This false ego-belief claims that I am always a victim at the effect of the world, which is the cause of lack of peace.

It places causation on the level of effect, where it witnesses the body creating its own symptoms, and in behaviours.

Only through the correction of level confusion comes healing, as healing is the effect of correction of the misidentification with a false sense of self, being the correction at the level of causethe mind level.

What is done, behaviourally, comes from what is thought and believed and no one is the ego. If most of the thoughts in mind are false ego thoughts arising from the false ego-belief in mind, then one can only act them out accordingly. If you are perceiving an error on the level of effect, such as someone’s behaviour, the correction lies in changing your own perception about what you are perceiving since this is the level of cause. In this shift of perception error is now overlooked, because you know that error can only be on and corrected at the level of mind—where the misidentification with the ego seems to occur. 

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. ~ Jesus

Through this correction there is no projection of error onto perception where blame, attack, and correction for what doesn’t need correction comes into play. In this absence of projection, Innocence is perceived instead. Love and Joy now replace fear because level confusion is corrected and Perfect Peace is accepted. Love sees only Love and extends only Love.

The perception of one’s brothers and sisters, in their Innocence as the true Self—which can’t do anything wrong or rightis now seen because you have not validated any misperceptions of them. They, being perfect Love just as you are, need no correction.

Only the mind can produce fear, and does so whenever it is conflicted in what it wills or desires. If the mind desires anything other than the singular desire for Self—which is really a desirelessness for any outcome of the world—this split desire seems to result in an overlooking of true Self. This is where the mind seems to misidentify with a false sense of self, termed the ego, the false belief in separation.

All fear is a lack of love and the remedy to fear lies in Perfect Love. Where one is the other cannot be. Therefore, all healing is the release from fear, the false sense of self, in seeing its falsity or illusory nature. 

Deep down we all know by the common expression, “Don’t give it a thought,” that if one does not think of something it will have no effect on oneself. If fear or ego thoughts are not validated and misidentified with, they have no effect on you. This is why correction at the level of mind is needed to correct fear, which only stems from the false ego-belief and its unloving thoughts, which ultimately does not exist.

Seen correctly, the illusory thoughts of fear cannot harm you because all forms of fear—lack of lovecannot harm you as the true Self is always untouched by any ego thought, emotion, or perception. In this realisation, it is dispelled as it is seen as illusory.

The true Self, being One, cannot attack as attack implies two or separation and all separation is experienced as fear: the absence of Love which is corrected by Love.

This is the basic law of cause and effect, and suggests the importance of not tolerating mind-wandering, for there are no idle thoughts. As a cause for joy, rejoicing in Innocence and resting in Peace knowing that there is nothing to fear. It is now impossible. 

Remember to laugh, Loved One. I love you!

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On Being Authentic

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

Initially, in my experience, I noticed how much intuitive guidance and feelings were disregarded for the intellectual mind’s dictates of “should” and “have to.” Intuitive feelings or knowings play an important part in guiding one moment-to-moment to the experience of consistent joy. Yet, the intellectual mind—the ego—comes in with the compromising “shoulds” and “have tos,” and this where the inauthenticity of people-pleasing and self-sacrifice come into play.

If you bring the perception of needing to people-please and compromise to the level of mind, the level of thoughts and beliefs, you can begin to question why is it even important for me to do this? What is the purpose of people-pleasing? What am I so afraid about?

Through shifting one’s attention inwards from the world to the mind, to what is arising in mind, you can begin to see the false thoughts underneath the uncomfortable emotions saying, “You need to do this to be approved; you have to just sit here when you know you don’t want to because you will hurt their feelings; you need to compromise here so you have future security; you need to compromise here so this consequence in the future doesn’t happen.”

Through inquiring into and shining light on these thoughts you can begin to see that they always speak against the authenticity, happiness, peace, or love of your true Being, your inner compass. If you take it a step further you can also see, from shining a light on these false thoughts, that: “Oh wow, I seem to believe that I need the approval of some other to be happy. I believe if I don’t compromise I can lose something! I believe my happiness and peace depend upon a particular outcome or a perfect future condition,” where it is never actually found.

This inner inquiry, where you are just bringing the lack of peace back off of the perception back to the mind level, is just an inroad to allow you to recognise the root desire on the mind level—what you are desiring to experience in each moment. In any moment of lack of peace there is always a split desire in mind to misidentify with a false sense of self, and then act out its backwards motives for future peace and happiness.

This is the ego’s ploy, as long as it is valued, to distract one away from the Present Peace, Happiness and Love that is all here right now when one’s desire is singular for present peace. If one is fixated on being peaceful some time in the future, carrot-chasing something that will never come, then one has totally forgotten about the Peace and Fulfilment of Being that is here now as Who You already Are.

To the world, it seems like compromise is necessary to be approved, to be peaceful, to be happy, to have security of some kind or whatever it may be. Yet, through coming back to the root desire on the mind level you recognise if I approve of myself—accept the true Self I Am Now—I don’t need to compromise in any way to get what I already have given myself. If I allow myself to be peaceful, loving and happy right now then I no longer need to compromise in any way to get what I already have accepted and given myself.

You always have the option to pause and notice the ego’s motives of needing to be approved, to get something in return for something, and for some sort of future happiness or future peace—carrot chasing—with non-judgement and recognise its falsity. You realise that you don’t need to play these games anymore.

In recognising the falsity of the ego one rests back into the true Self that one has always been, yet have just seemed to overlook while you thought what you wanted or needed depended on a future outcome, a particular condition or situation, or getting more of something—more approval or more security in the world.

An example of a particular condition is, “I will be happy or peaceful when I have been approved by some other, when I have gained the security from some other,” rather than recognising that you can just desire peace and accept yourself without the need for compromise.

Everyone always has an inner guidance system of intuitive prompts, feeling, nudges, or inspirations which are always present. Intuitive guidance is always available moment-to-moment, yet, only useful if followed through on that guides one to the experience of consistent happiness and joy. This guidance helps shift the mind from the ego through being uncompromising in not heeding the small calls of the seeming ego in mind to self-sacrifice.

Any feeling of unhappiness is merely a signal that one is seemingly misidentified with the false ego and its unloving thoughts. The ego is a compromise on happiness and on intuitive guidance, and is simply arising to be questioned so it can be seen as false so that you may choose again for joy and happiness. There is always two ways to approach everything, through Love or fear, through compromise or inspiration. This is simple logic right here. If you compromise on happiness only unhappiness can be the logical result. If you compromise on Who You truly Are you will, indeed, feel unhappy because trying to be something you are not does feel like death.

The fear of judgement that seems to arise from stepping into the authenticity of Being is seen as nothing but another distraction or trick of the ego. It can only try and distract one away from the Present Peace and Joy that One Already Is. One doesn’t have to listen to it. It is not that anyone will actually judge you, as it is just the false sense of self placing its own false judgement on the world and judging itself.

The fear of judgement is really just the ego judging the world judging itself. When there is a misidentification with the false sense of self, its own fear of being judged seems to become ‘my fear.’ The mind takes on the false sense of responsibility for the ego. The true Self is beyond judgement entirely, beyond the ego.

Therefore, it is helpful to get real clear on purpose, which is on the mind level, between the ego and true Self. When one can discern between the ego and Self, what is false is joyously laid aside. As the ego is laid aside or overlooked, Who You Are is left shining As It Is in full Light.

You are never responsible for the false sense of self. You are always only responsible for the correction—recognising the ego’s falsity with the help of intuition and guidance of true Self.

Is the purpose going to be to desire to misidentify with a false sense of self—the ego—and act out its false motives, or is the purpose going to be to question and see the falsity of the ego, in which the Peace of Being and Authenticity of Being is left shining As It Is, available this very moment?

Resting as Presence is an exuberant experience. This is what allows you to extend the Being of exuberance that You Are. When you follow through on the authenticity of the moment, you stay in and as Joy and this Joy is shared and radiated to everyone and everything. This exuberance is how authenticity is expressed in everything that is thought, spoken and acted upon. This is what allows you to Self-Love by authenticity, which is the real virtue.

You are only authentic when you remain true to Who You Really Are, to your inner compass, to the intuitive guidance within. This intuitive guidance, that is your very Being, is ever-present and transcends past learning, transcends the ego or learnt conditioning. I reached a point where I was questioning why I wasn’t joyful. I had to get honest and look at where I was acting out of accord with my Self. Where I would act out of conditioning. Where I would be acting out of fear, which is the illusory ego, where I would compromise on Authenticity to be liked or get approval.

It wasn’t until I actually started non-compromising that I recognised that that is where the safety lies, that is where the joy lies, and that is where the integrity lies. Whenever I remained true to the intuitive feeling of the moment, the deeper and meaningful each encounter was experienced because the joy, the meaning, or the purpose behind the action was there. So it was recognised that authenticity was synonymous with being truly helpful for the whole. Capital ‘S’ Self-ful is lowercase ‘s’ self-less.

People-pleasing drops away as the joy and strength of authenticity, that is one’s Being, takes its place. You are here to express the authenticity that is the Movement of Life in a very real and alive way in each moment. The will to die—unhappiness and depression—comes from expressing the ego’s seeming dictates of “should” and “have to.” You are here to demonstrate the will to live by expressing the Being that You Are right now.

Let the seeming masks dissolve in the Light of exposing the self to the Self. This is a non-compromising decision that eradicates the need for one to claim to be who one is not. I stand by every Expression that radiates from the extension of the authenticity that is our one Being. You will recognise your Self and recognise everyone and everything as That.

Play, have fun and be like a child knowing you will always be taken care of with this. The mind will resist this idea at first, but this is okay. Remain gentle with oneself. It is all within, as YourSelf, yet, you have simply been conditioned to believe everything you need is external. You are the goal in which the world seeks.

Remember to laugh, Loved One. You are loved just as you are!

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The Impossibility of Judgement

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

Everything is expressing itself perfectly as it is in every moment because it is arising. Nothing could be any different than how it is appearing right now. Just as one listens to a song, dancing and singing to every note that is arising in perfection, so, too, can one witness the perfection of the unending moment.

Perfection comes with non-judgement. Love comes with non-judgement. Non-judgement means you see the sameness of everything, you, ultimately, see the oneness of everything making no differences where there is none.

Initially, the mind appears to misidentify with a false sense of self, and, therefore, claims to have judgemental thoughts. The unchanging true Self is seemingly shrunken down to these false ego thoughts that arise in mind, and this is where the misidentification comes in.

Through inquiry, one is able to begin to observe the ego with non-judgement, in which the falsity of the misidentification with the ego’s judgemental thoughts is realised. Realising that these thoughts were never mine, never part of the Self, yet, seemed to be experienced because of the misidentification with them. It is as if the sky thought it were solely the passing clouds.

When one seems to misidentify with this false sense of self and tries to place control and judgement onto anything of the world, it is essentially saying: 

“I, who see but through a keyhole, claim that I know the entire picture, therefore, what is best for all involved…
I, with my limited perceptions, know better than what is currently arising in its perfected state in each moment…
I, who know better than the movement of life, command the arrest of this perfect state of momentary arisings so I can mold it all into my limited image of how I want it to be.”

The arrogance of the ego can be clearly seen when put this way. Fear would be an appropriate effect from this distortion, as it is indeed fearful to try to make something into what it is not. Who One Is beyond the false sense of self does not have to worry about not judging, but through the above, joyfully recognise that it is impossible for one to judge anything.

Judgement must rest of duality, of two separate things. If the true Self is One Self what is there to judge between? Judgement must be the false experience of a false sense of selfan illusion.

Let’s say, as an example, that one has two children and one now has to choose to send one to hell eternally and the other to Heaven. Which would you choose to spend in hell? Now, this is not really a question at all, is it? Judgement is impossible here because both are worthy of love. One has deemed them worthy of love because one sees them as part of oneself. You see their oneness with you, and isn’t that what the experience of love is, experiencing the recognition of Oneness or unity.

One deems the children worthy of love and places no judgement on any of them. Not because they can, but because it is literally impossible to do so in Love or Oneness.

When one forgets about the true, One Self, taking on the misidentification with the ego, this false sense of self falsely projects onto God that some go to hell and some to Heaven, despite not even yourself being able to do something as such. You can see where the duality comes in again. The ego projects its false, dualistic opposites. “Well, it says, if there is Heaven then there must be an opposite to that. Ah, hell.” The mind that misidentifies with the ego fails to recognise that the experience of doing so is, indeed, hell itself.

The ego is the denial of the true Self, therefore, the mind misaligned with the ego is trying to go against itself. This is where all the apparent inner conflict seems to arise. This is Divine Logic. You can only get apples from apple trees. If you compromise on the true Self that is Happiness, the only result can be unhappiness.

I share with certainty that Love judges not, because Love sees only Love and expresses only Love. Source or God, being 100% pure, unconditional Love, has nothing to do with duality or opposites. The true Self, which is One with All, has nothing to judge, nothing to claim as a problem in any momentary arising, and nothing to condemn.

Judgement rests on separation or duality. By using this example, you can see that in recognition of the Oneness of Self, the impossibility of judgement is experienced without a doubt because the awareness of unconditional Love floods one’s awareness. Judgement only seemed to come from a false sense of self, the false ego-self, but what is false is only illusory in nature.

In recognising its falsity or illusory nature is when you recognise that you don’t even have to stop judging, but that you have never judged in the first place. You were never the ego, it never existed. This recognition entails the Being or Self that is the Self of non-judgement. There was only the illusion of judgement. Nothing from the illusion of this had any real effects. It is not the mind’s function to judge, for what is One cannot judge.

Relax into the ease of accepting the perfection of everything and everyOne, including your Self, As It truly Is and as it all arises. It all now becomes a dance to a giant Love song, with a problemless state of mind. There is nothing more to achieve. There are no more problems to solve. There is nothing more to attain or strive for. The Stillness of the Self is all that is present.

Remember to laugh, Loved One. I love you!

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Simplifying Decision-Making

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

In this seeming world it can seem like the mind has many choices in form to make.

I can use the analogy of going to the movie theatre, where there are projected images on the movie screen. The projector behind is projecting images on the blank screen. Yet, while watching the movie one forgets one is watching and finds oneself getting involved in what is going on; feeling sad when an actor dies, or yelling at the screen telling the actor not to go into a room.

One forgets that it is just a movie, just a blank screen with images being projected onto it. It cannot be changed in the slightest way, as the movie is already written and filmed. The making of the film is already over and cannot be changed. The only choice one truly has is how one is going to perceive the movie. Is one going to remain at peace remembering it is just a movie, or is one going to have a roller-coaster ride in the emotions that come with the forgetfulness that the movie is not real?

When the mind is misidentified with a false sense of self, one believes one has real choices they can make between things of the world. It seems like choosing ice cream over waffles or a Honda over an Aston Martin is a real choice, and choosing the right one makes one happy and the other one doesn’t.

Yet, this is the same as if I pull up this blanket from the bed here, and say this part of the blanket is waffles and this part of the blanket over here is ice cream. There is a seeming amnesia that the first and second option are the same! Both are the blanket, both are form, both are the one blank movie screen with projected images on it. It is all the same. There isn’t really any choice at all in choosing one piece of the blanket over another and saying one is better and one is not.

In recognising this one can see that there really aren’t any real choices that can be made between what is the same. To do so is to make a choice where no choice is offered. This is what keeps the mind in guilt as there is a conflict about this duality: worrying about, “Did I choose the right thing, did I get something wrong?” There is a lot of confusion in this.

If there are no choices in what is the same then where are the choices? Just like in the movie analogy, when you remember it is a movie you always have the choice of how you perceive what is happening on the screen. This means that the stepping-stone idea of choices is really in the mind, between a false sense of self or the true Self, as behaviour is an effect of the mind. What is done comes from what is thought and believed.

Choices in the world are the projection of the choice between remaining as true Self or misidentifying with the ego. The ego won’t want you to see this option because this means getting closer to the escape hatch of all suffering that seems to be experienced.

Now that you know what the real choices are, one has to get clear on what one is going to identify with.

The mind will now come in and say, “Well, Dylan, if there are no choices in form what am I supposed to do in the midst of choices?” Another way of restating the question, “What am I going to do or what am I going to decide between,” is to think of it as:

  • What am I going to identify as?
    • the true Self or the false sense of self
    • Peace of mind or inner conflict?
    • Certainty of Self or doubt of the ego?
    • Inspiration or fear of future consequence?

Once one has decided for one the behaviour will come automatically:

  • A gentle smile to reassure another that all is well.
  • The inspiration to write a song that will touch many hearts.
  • The undisturbed Presence to any experience of the world.

All of these are examples of involuntary behaviours which are an effect of not misidentifying with a false sense of self.

All upsets were only a misidentification and a forgetting of the true Self, seemingly overlooking the Self to misidentify with the ego. Choosing, which is really accepting, the true Self is to have a singular desire for peace of mind over anything else. Desiring peace more than getting the ice cream that was wanted but didn’t get, desiring peace more than getting that parking space you wanted but another took; forgetting that the real decision is in mind and not in self-concept preferences of the world.

To be at peace or to not be at peace is the only question!

Accepting the true Self that is ever-present rests on seeing the falsity or illusory nature of the ego. When the ego is seen with non-judgement, seen as false, and then overlooked this takes one out of choice. There is nothing to choose between Oneness. Conflict, being the idea of another ‘thing’ to choose between, has gone and is seen as only an unreal dream that never happened. This is choiceless awareness. All decisions of the world now become as easy and as right as breathing. One relies on the ever-present, intuitive guidance of the Self moment-to-moment with no concern for a particular outcome.

In Being, no matter what involuntary behaviour stems from the intuitive guidance of true Self, it will feel as right as anything else because the peace of Being that is sourced from the recognition of one’s true Self is one’s only experience. It feels like one is gently carried down a river on a warm, summer’s day.

All concepts laid aside. Resting, forever bathed in an Ocean of Love as Love Itself. Rest comes from waking. Relaxed in Love, relaxed in Supreme Happiness as the unbroken moment.

One must gently awaken to sinlessness before the Great non-perceptual Rays are Known.

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Rest Comes From Waking

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

Aware of the multitude of chitter-chatter arising in the mind, one can sit and watch, judging not. Watching just as the sky observes clouds passing by. The chitter-chatter of the mind and most resulting words are much to do about nothing.

The thoughts arising are but mist and the words spoken from this mist dissipate with the sun, meaning nothing. A substitute for Stillness. A substitute for the present moment. A desperate defense against the one thing the chitter-chatter fears the most: the stillness of Presence and the fountain of Love that is waiting to be accepted in this moment, if you were to see its falsity or illusory nature. The recognition of the true Self is here right now.

Resting as Presence, aware of all ego thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. Silently aware. They all walk up to the House and knock. Yet, the true Self remains unchanged throughout all these ego thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

What could all of these arisings be about? A light turns on. A realisation. The remembrance of Knowledge. One has only seemingly overlooked the true Self. Like the light from a flashlight it cannot be seen by itself, and then seemingly misidentifies with what it is aware of, with what the flashlight shines on which all can be seen as something separate from something else.

A desire to separate and claim a false, separate identity, to separate from the vastness and ever-flowing Love that is present this very moment.

“This need not be,” Self whispers.

This need not be! It was accepted and One recognised Itself as It is, resting as Itself. One doesn’t have to misidentify with a false sense of self. It can just as easily be overlooked, just as the Self can seemingly be overlooked for the false sense of self. The seeming amnesia of one’s true Self replaced with the acceptance of exuberant joy that this need not be!

Rest comes from waking. True rest in the true Self that never slept, that lets everything be as it is and judges not. Goals for separation laid aside, now at rest in the gentle and joyous flow that everything is.

Peace is inherent in the Self that One already Is. Rest as this. The thinking of the world is no more and is but seen as one and the sameillusion. Abiding quietly in Stillness as the Stillness of the present moment. Nothing but blankets of Love. The rivers have returned to the sea and one now joins with the Ocean. Two recognised as One having never appeared as two.

Remember to laugh, Loved One. I love you!

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The Fear of Abandonment

This blog was written as a stepping-stone pointing to the recognition of one’s true Self—the experience of Inner Peace beyond intellectual understanding!

As relationships part there can be many unconscious beliefs and unquestioned thoughts that arise within awareness. Effects of these entail feelings of upset, loss, hurt, anger, or abandonment. Often going unseen, the fear of abandonment is the most common belief that arises into awareness at “the end” of relationships. 

As these deep feelings of hurt are brought up for one to see as false, one is given the opportunity to re-feel them without judgement or repression. These are emotions that wanted to be seen once before, yet, were suppressed because one didn’t want to look at them, becoming unconscious. Every event, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity for healing. You are given the opportunity to look at all of the unquestioned thoughts and assumptions to see its falsity, and, ultimately, impossibility.

As the mind seems to misidentify with the ego and think with it, one experiences its upsetting thoughts, upsetting emotions, and distorted perceptions. However, as with everything, they can be used by the true Self for the healing of the mind to bring the mind back to consistent peace. As one brings false beliefs to the light of inquiry, only the light will remain. Just as when you turn a light on both the light and darkness in the room cannot co-exist.

As one exposes these thoughts through inquiry, seeing them as false, realisations can start to spark in the mind. In my own experience, when a relationship ended I was aware that the choice to feel angry and sad is a choice not to see beliefs such as, “I can be abandoned,” as a present decision in the mind. With this one belief, by believing this one unquestioned belief, “I can be abandoned,” the effectual upsetting emotions and perceptions of the world seem to arise.

For example, when one desires to seemingly overlook one’s true Self, in this moment misidentifying with a false sense of self, the false effects of misidentifying with this belief of abandonment can be seen as: firstly, experiencing fear thoughts such as, “I am unloved, they do not like me;” secondly, feelings of upset are experienced as sadness, anger, or loss; the last effect may play out as projecting anger and guilt onto someone and closing off because of the arising emotions.

What you do comes from what you think. Feeling sad and angry is the ego’s attempt to prove that one can be a victim of the world, and that its false projections are justified because of it. It is an attempt to see the cause as something in the world or perception, forgetting that it is only myself who is doing everything to myself; that the cause is on the level of mind, in the misidentification with the ego.

Through inquiry, the loved one which was of blame and the target of projection can now be seen as always being innocent! Not of blame but of gratitude, for letting you see this misidentification that needed to be raised to doubt.

In that moment it was not them that didn’t love me, it was I who misidentified with the ego and did not love my Self. It was not them that abandoned me, but I who abandoned my Self though misidentifying with the ego. Yet, not wanting to take responsibility for this unknowingly blamed others and made them a target.

You can be seemingly hurt only by misidentifying with the false ego-belief and its unloving thoughts. When you question these thoughts and the misidentification to them, the made up movie that is happening in the imagination dissolves. Abandonment, loss, and not being loved are seen as ridiculous and impossible. By raising the misidentification to doubt you are able to continue to love, and, ultimately, see that there actually can be no loss but rather an inclusion of everyone else. 

All relationships are tremendously helpful in bringing up the misidentification. Even though the bodies may not be together, being open and connected to true Self allows you to recognise that everyone is still joined in Love, sharing one Being or Self.

Gratitude be with everything that occurs in perception. Awakening is a going through the seeming darkness to the Light of Being, to see Light was all there ever was. We go together always, beyond words, to a higher communication, beyond all that was previously imagined.

You are coming to truly see that you are always joined no matter where you are, as the true Self has no distance being One. The quantum physicists like to call this entanglement or the unified field.

I remain with you in the Presence of Love that the One true Self! Come bathe and rest in this ocean of Love, it is all that truly matters!

Remember to laugh, Loved One. I love you!

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